Most of my posts here at Huckleberry Life have to do with creating things that are beautiful. Pretty paintings, refurbished furniture, tasty food, crafts, photography, creating a life that I love. But, today I feel prompted to write about something a little different. Maybe I am a “sheep.”

Writing this post has weighed heavily on me and I KNOW I am supposed to write it. But, the fear of criticism is real. The world LOVES to criticize, especially followers of Christ. My Savior, the Good Shepherd, comforts me when I am scared or have anxiety. He brings me PEACE and gives me confidence to do what I know is right. So even though I KNOW that some will mock this post and won’t agree with what I have to say, I am going to write it anyway.

It seems like I read it more and more every day, “don’t be a sheep, open your eyes.” As if sheep just follow blindly. Here’s the thing, sheep follow a Shepherd. They know him and trust him. This trust takes time to build but sheep really NEED a shepherd. They depend on him to keep them safe and lead them to food. Yes, sheep will follow the herd, and they can also wander off alone and get themselves into trouble. But, the shepherd knows his sheep and when he calls they come. He knows their hiding places and finds them when they get lost.

In the scriptures we are taught about the Good Shepherd, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We know that we, God’s people, are the sheep. If I am doing my part as a disciple of Christ, I will know His voice. I will recognize it and come when He beckons. I WILL HEAR HIM through all the noise of the world. This world is getting louder every day.

There are MANY things that keep me up at night counting sheep lately. In no particular order:
- Politics
- Pornography and it’s huge reach and effect on the entire world
- Child trafficking
- Safety
- Education
- How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 😉
- Preparations for the future
- Whether or not I am teaching my kids the right things
- Am I what my kids need?
- Will my kids grow up to be decent human beings who follow the Good Shepherd and recognize wolves in sheep’s clothing?
I know, it is SO, SO MUCH! And I know most of you are feeling it too.

We all know the phrase, the black sheep of the family, there are even songs written about it. Sometimes, more often than I would like to admit, I am the black sheep. I don’t always follow the rules and sometimes I get myself into trouble. I make mistakes daily, but that is okay and is to be expected. The Good Shepherd leaves the 99 to rescue the one, remember? HE rescues ME and he will rescue you too.

I recently received a mean comment on an Instagram post about my 2 year old and his COMPLETE JOY in being allowed to vacuum with the help of his sweet big sister. Apparently, according to this person, that is not his role in the family and I am lazy and will answer to God for it one day. UM-KAY… I have A LOT to answer to my Heavenly Father for, but the great news is I don’t have to wait until “one day,” I can repent and work on those things now. I have a Savior who atoned for my sins and shortcomings, whom I know LOVES me and is eager to forgive. Just so we are clear, I’m pretty sure my 2 year old vacuuming the rug is close to the bottom of my bucket of sins. 😉
What I don’t get is the need to constantly criticize one another…for EVERY LITTLE THING! There is so much division. Republicans/Democrats. Mask wears/non mask wearers. Anti-vax/pro-vax. Even what I feed my kids. They are being fed and that is a BLESSING.

Whew, so here’s the thing, I am not and CANNOT be an expert on EVERYTHING. There are lots of people on social media who claim to be experts on all things and I’m sure it must be exhausting. It creates a culture in which we feel threatened on every level. We are made to feel less than. Stupid. Uneducated. A SHEEP…just for making choices we feel are right for our own families and circumstances. While it is impossible for me to be an expert on all things, I CAN try to be educated on those things that weigh heavily on my heart and mind.

For me to be TRULY HAPPY I am going to continue to be “a sheep.” I will follow the Good Shepherd. I will try to make educated decisions, but most importantly, I will make decisions based on my spiritual knowledge and experience. That’s what faith is! Not KNOWING everything, but doing my best and following those I trust, those who have earned my trust. So for now, I will do my best to trust God and remember that I would much rather be a “sheep” than a wolf.

The world is such a scary, uncertain place right now. But there is still so much good. So, so, SO much good. The Good Shepherd LOVES ALL his sheep. He wants us all to be safe and happy. Maybe we could work on that?

If you need a smile today check out this fun sheep video. 🙂
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Monday 20th of July 2020
This really spoke to me for a couple reasons. It’s the first thing I’ve read for a very long time that actually gave me peace. So thank you for sharing this. Also all 4 of my children were taught and expected to do chores from a very young age. Including any and all chores around the house. All along with me or a sibling they are all in their twenties and have always proven to be among the hardest working in anything they put their minds to. You go mama mills!!! No matter what anyone says now you’re going to be so proud of your kids as they grow into responsible adults. You are a shining example and it’s wonderful to have real and honest people sharing of themselves online. I love every you share 🥰
Floyd Daigle
Monday 20th of July 2020
Mandy, I never leave relies to a WordPress post but after reading this, I feel that I MUST let you know a couple of things. I really enjoy your recipes and craft ideas and you are correct; no one is an expert on everything. More importantly when made the statement, "I’m pretty sure my 2 year old vacuuming the rug is close to the bottom of my bucket of sins.", it brought me to tears. I certainly don't know everything but what I do know is that raising your children to be happy is NOT a sin. You have NOTHING to repent for. Even at a young age I enjoyed helping my mother around the house. I am the oldest of nine children and she really had her hands full. Please know that for every person that seeks to destroy your happiness and hard work, there are hundreds of people that appreciate what you offer the world and love you just the way you are. I feel the same way that Brandee feels, you ARE amazing!
Tuesday 21st of July 2020
Thank you so much for your kind words! It really made my day. :) My Mom is also the oldest of 9 children and I come from a family of 5 kids and have 5 of my own. Working together can be so much fun! And kids really love to learn and help, and I need all the help I can get. ;) Thanks again, Mandy
Tuesday 21st of July 2020
Thank you so much for your kind words! It really made my day. :) -Mandy
Brandee Mills
Sunday 19th of July 2020
Well said! Thanks for sharing these thoughts and as always, you're amazing!
Tuesday 21st of July 2020
Thanks so much Brandee! I think you are pretty great too! :)