These JELLO Jiggler Eggs take a little bit of time and patience, but they are fun to make and the kids love them!

There are MANY ways you can make these JELLO jiggler eggs. My Grandma Norma used to make them every Easter with an egg mold she had that was specifically for this! She made them with clear jello colors, but I decided to make mine creamy so they would be more pastel.

I also have fond memories of making Rainbow Layered Jello with my Mom. It is also very time-consuming, but so fun.
To make these Jello Jiggler Eggs you will need:
- An empty egg carton or two. Mine was from Costco and held 2 dozen eggs. You could also just use a dish and some paper towels to help them stand up if you don’t have an empty egg carton.
- 24 plastic fillable Easter eggs. I chose ones that had the hole at the very top rather than off-center.
- Medicine syringe.
- 3 oz. Jello mixes in 6 flavors. I used Strawberry, Peach, Lemon, Lime, Berry Blue, and Grape.
- Unflavored Gelatin. 5 packets or 10 tsp. This comes in little packets, which is what I used, or in a bigger container. It is cheaper to buy in a big container.
- One 14 oz. can Sweetened Condensed Milk. I found it in a squeezable bottle recently!
- 8 cups boiling water
- 7 bowls for mixing. Large enough to hold a cup and a half of liquid.
- Oil or cooking spray
- Hot glue, is optional.

I took my eggs and used a small knife and carefully spun it around to make the hole in the egg large enough to fit my medicine syringe. You could also use a small drill. Just do it very slowly so you don’t crack the egg. Make sure that you also clean the eggs out very well when finished. Then spray the inside of each egg with cooking spray or wipe them with a small amount of oil. I sprayed mine, then used my finger to wipe it inside the egg so it would be even and not have too much.

After the eggs were cleaned, oiled, and snapped tightly together, I put a small amount of hot glue on the bottom of each and glued them into the egg carton.

This step is totally optional, I just wanted mine to stay upright so the stripes would be even. Hold it in place for just a second while the glue sets.

Continue gluing until they are all lined up and orderly. 🙂

Mix the JELLO:
Empty each packet of Jello into separate bowls. It’s more fun if you have super cute bowls that match the Jello colors! haha!

Next, add 1 tsp. of unflavored gelatin to each bowl. The packets contain 2 tsp. each so split one packet between 2 bowls.

Add one cup of boiling water to each bowl, one at a time, and mix until Jello is dissolved. I kept a bowl of water next to me to rinse off the whisk between flavors.

Next, make the white layer. You will make this two times. The first batch gets added to these colors to make them creamy and pastel.

Add 2 tsp (one packet) of unflavored gelatin to a bowl. Add half a cup of boiling water and mix until dissolved. Now add half a can of sweetened condensed milk and stir. Then mix in the remaining half cup of boiling water.
Now you will add 1/3 cup of the white mixture to each bowl of Jello.

Give them all a stir. Make sure to rinse the whisk or spoon between each flavor.

I think the color would have been prettier. 🙂
Now for the fun part. Using a medicine syringe squirt jello into the eggs. I had 6 colors of plastic eggs and 6 colors of jello so I matched the first layer of jello to the egg. 🙂 I used 15 ml. in each.

Next stick them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. I thought that would be long enough before adding the white layer, but some of my eggs ended up marbled, which was a happy accident though. I think they are adorable! Next time I think we will experiment with colors and make the whole eggs marbled.

The first layer takes the longest to set because it is still pretty warm when it goes in the fridge. The next layers only need about 15 minutes. You don’t want them to stay in the fridge too long on each layer or the next layer won’t adhere.
While the first layer is in the fridge you want to make another batch of the white for the stripe, or marbling. Mix together 2 tsp. unflavored gelatin, 1 cup boiling water, and the other half can of sweetened condensed milk.

After the first layer is set, you can add the white layer. I did 10 ml. into each egg. Squirt it in slowly so it doesn’t break through the first layer unless you are going for the marbled look.
Refrigerate for 15 minutes to set. Then finish with the remaining Jello. You can also do smaller striped layers for a rainbow effect. Just make sure to let each layer set before adding the next.
If your jello that is still on the counter has begun to set you can microwave it for about 20 seconds and stir it again before adding. Just make sure it isn’t too warm.
Make sure to squirt the last layer in slowly and let air in the egg or it will pop open.

I let my eggs refrigerate overnight but you can definitely remove them and eat them as soon as the last layer is set. Mine came right out of the plastic eggs. I just squeezed the sides a little and the tops came off.

Let us know if you create your own Jello Jiggler Eggs! We would love to see pictures of what you come up with!

This is a fun activity to do with the kids if you have lots of patience. 🙂

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