Hi! I’m Mandy. I created Huckleberry Life as a place where I could share the things I love; recipes, crafts, refurbish projects, photography, thoughts about life and kids, and anything else I think is worth sharing.
I am a busy Mama of five cute kiddos. Emma is 16 and is the BEST helper. I always tease that she is a better Mom than me, but really…she totally is. Levi is my fun-loving 12-year-old. He has the BEST laugh and is always cracking us up. Lincoln is 5 and is such a fun kid. He says the funniest things and is so smart and busy. Luke is 4 and is our quiet one until you make him mad. He has the best foot stomp! Logan is our little guy and is has officially hit the terrible twos. He is a real trouble, but so cute!

Ivan is my main man and is seriously wonderful. We have been married for 19 years and it feels so much longer. Just kidding! I have no idea how we’ve been married that long. Life really is flying by. We have lived in lots of different places and I have loved all of our adventures together. I’m sure you are all curious so here goes. We’ve lived in Utah, Idaho, North Dakota, Washington state, Texas, Kansas, and Nebraska. We moved to Idaho 2 years ago where Ivan is currently managing a bean plant. We love it here and hope to be here a long time!

I have always loved anything related to arts and crafts. In college, I studied Floral Design and received my associate’s degree. We have moved a lot which has allowed me to work at six different flower shops in four states. I have learned so much along the way, but the best part has been all the amazing people I have met and the friendships I have made. Flowers will always be a passion of mine.
Cooking for people, especially my family, is a love of mine. I enjoy trying new recipes and learning new things in the kitchen. I’m no master chef and have definitely set off a smoke detector or two, but I have also been known to make some pretty edible food! I enjoy a home that is clean and organized, but that rarely happens with my “creative” personality and 5 kids. I have a slight addiction to office supplies. Few things make me happier than cute new notebooks and fresh, fun, colorful pens and markers.
I love photography and enjoy learning new things about it and improving. I also LOVE thrift shops and refurbish projects. Taking something less than pretty and transforming it into something beautiful is my favorite. I am a collector of creative hobbies. My current obsessions are woodburning, earring making, and knitting hats. I also love to paint and draw. Check out our boutique for some of my hand-crafted items.
Now you have a LONG list of things that Mandy loves and loves to blog about. Most of all I want you to know that I LOVE my sweet family and that my husband and kids are my entire world. They are the reason for everything I do. I also love my Heavenly Father and am grateful for my relationship with Him and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The gospel and my family bring me the most joy, joy I know is lasting. If you would like to know more about my beliefs you can visit comeuntochrist.org

That’s me in a very long-winded nutshell. Stick around a while. I’m sure you’ll find something you LOVE!
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