Halloween is my FAVORITE! I love the chill in the air, the candy and yummy food, and best of all is the COSTUMES! My family actually enjoys dressing up in group costumes, well, except for the MAN who would rather never dress up at all. 😉 A couple of years ago we did 101 Dalmatians Family Costumes. It was so fun to be Cruella and my puppies were adorable if I do say so myself.

Grandma to the rescue:
I am creative and can do lots of things, but sewing is NOT one of them. My Mom is an INCREDIBLE seamstress and she made the Dalmatian costumes from fuzzy white fabric for us, then we used Sharpie markers to make the spots. These were cute and comfortable and we used them for jammies for a long time after. It would be easy to use white sweats for these costumes too! I love using things for costumes that we already have or can be repurposed for something else. My Mom made ears for Emma’s costume, then we hot glued them onto a black headband and added a couple of red bows. So. Dang. Cute!
Becoming Cruella:
For my Cruella costume, I started with the shoes. I had purchased these shoes at a thrift store for a few bucks and glittered them GREEN for my previous Wicked Witch Costume. As I said, I LOVE to repurpose things, so I grabbed the red glitter and Mod Podge and made them red. Use a brush to apply the Mod Podge, pour on glitter, and tap off excess. After it dries add another layer if needed and finished with a layer of Mod Podge to make the glitter stay put.
I bought some fun fishnet type tights to wear and thought it turned out fun.
My Mom is the best and made me this AWESOME Dalmatian cape. It was lined in red fabric and tied with a red ribbon. She also put a black cuff on the top. I found my wig and dress on Amazon. The wig was only $16 bucks and I was impressed with the quality. Before Halloween, I decided I would try out my makeup for Cruella. I used black eyeliner for my eyebrows which I think made the look.
Green eyeliner, red lipstick, greens and golds for the eyeshadow, and I used a lighter foundation than usual so I would look pale. Isn’t that wig AMAZING? Oh, and I got the gloves on Amazon as well. They were pretty tight because they were child-sized, but they worked well. Here’s a pic of the net that came with the wig to hold my long, crazy hair back.
Good sport:
Ivan agreed to be Jasper or Horace, not sure which he was. It was a simple costume, I had him stop at a thrift store and pick out his own jacket and he wore a sweater under it and some baggy slacks. He sent me a selfie from the thrift store to make sure I approved. 🙂
Halloween shenanigans part 1:
It was SUCH a fun Halloween this year. The kids and I went to Utah to party with cousins. Check out this fun bunch of costumes!

My sister-in-law, Trisha, made the incredible Oogie Boogie costume that my brother, Josh, is wearing. Isn’t that AMAZING? And did you recognize our peacock costume that Sky is wearing? She is adorable.
Cruella and her 4 Dalmatian puppies. I used a liquid eyeliner for their spots and whisker dots. It stayed on so well and didn’t smudge!
Halloween shenanigans part 2:
Back in Nebraska, where we lived at the time, I took the kids to the zoo during the day. We had the place to ourselves and it was fun! There were lots of Halloween things set up and we had fun taking pictures. When we tried to leave there was a big swan that would NOT let us cross the bridge, it would come at us and squawk every time we tried. We finally had to find an employee to help so we could go home.

How cute is this picture of Levi and Lincoln? This might be the only picture I got of their tails. We just pinned them on with a safety pin so they could be removed since we were planning to use them as jammies.

Halloween shenanigans part 3:
That night we went to a Trunk or Treat party. We stuffed the back of the minivan with toys and the kids made an eye spy list for Trunk or Treaters to find. Our friends, the Allred’s, had their back patio decorated so cute and took a family picture for us and even printed it! This is a picture of a picture so the quality isn’t great, but I love it. Ivan was able to join us for all the nighttime festivities. We love it when he gets to be with us.

After the Trunk or Treat we stopped at Dairy Queen for some ice cream to end a fun Halloween. We had lots of people stop and comment on our costumes and tell us how cute our puppies were.
I love this picture of Emma and Levi.

Do you LOVE Halloween and dressing up as much as we do??? We hope our 101 Dalmatians Family Costumes gives you some inspiration.
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20 Best DIY Group Halloween Costumes 2022 – Matching Halloween Costume Ideas – The Pioneer Woman – Supersized Life
Friday 24th of June 2022
[…] of white fabric and a black marker for the spots. Super cute and super simple! Get the tutorial at Huckleberry Life.SHOP CRUELLA DE VIL WIGSThese DIY Super Mario Bros. costumes will be the talk of the town this […]