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We had such a blast doing this Valentine Cupid Photo Shoot! Emma is growing up so fast and I miss her being little. This photo shoot was four years ago! She is turning 12 in a couple of months. It’s amazing and scary and bitter sweet to watch her grow and learn and change. She is an amazing human and I wish I could be more like her.


In hindsight, I wish that I had taken pictures as I made the wings and bow and arrow. It looks complicated but really was so simple. I cut the wings out of a white poster board and used hot glue to attach paper towel squares that I folded up. White feathers were added as well and I LOVE the texture that the two things created. Pink elastic was what I had on hand, so I used that and measured around her shoulders as I held the wings up. The elastic was simply cut to size and hot glued on. Everything that I needed to make the wings I found in my “stuff.” Gotta love not spending money.


I scored the super cute sweater dress at a local thrift store in Texas for 5 bucks! We made the headband with some flowers, lace, buttons and elastic we had on hand. And to make it super fancy we added some gold glitter. 🙂

Sticks were used to make the bow and arrow. We found one that was nice and curved and tied some twine to it for the bow. Strips of red burlap were cut and tied to the end of the arrow and I cut a couple hearts out of scrapbook paper and glued to the other end.

Lots of fun memories were made taking these pictures. Some of them were taken on the side of the road where cars drove by and people watched. The others were taken at our favorite photo spot in Canyon, TX at the old train depot and we were lucky enough to catch some gorgeous sunlight just before the sun went down.


Levi had to get in on the picture fun too and he definitely made it more entertaining. This kid has some serious PERSONALITY! These pictures were taken on the side of the road because I thought this old rusty gate was super cool. We made the LOVE letters from cardboard, tinfoil, and some black paint. It was seriously the cheapest craft ever and fun to make.

I’m tellin’ ya…this kid is a little nuts!

At least Emma is sweet. Isn’t it funny how kids have such different personalities?

Another side of the road pic…just for fun.


Because I would never look at these pictures again, or at least not often, I decided it would be fun to display them for Valentine’s Day. I have printed them in the past and just put them in frames. This year I thought it would be fun to print a couple in black and white and use them in my apothecary jars.

Well friends, I hope you enjoyed this post! Share the love by pinning and sharing on Facebook if you did.